Hi! This was actually the fifth post I ever wrote on my blog, in early May 2014. I never posted, but I thought it would be fun to do so now, as a kind of Throwback Thursday type post (even though it’s not Thursday). I kept the typos and spelling/grammar errors on purpose, just for fun. I did add a few notes that I wrote now, though.
hi! these are just dolls that I think look alike. Maybe sisters or cousins or something.

Jess and #40 and #30
I love them all!

Ruthie and MyAG #41
I personally think #41 looks like Ruthie’s older sister, but she has Sydney’s green eyes, so maybe Sydney’s older sister? Or both of their cousin?
Note from me as of 2015: When we got Malaila, we decided that Ruthie looked a lot like her (Weird, huh?). So, we’ll be getting #41 and re-naming her Shola, because we think it fits her better than it fits Malaila. Hola will be Malaila’s older sister.

#55 and #44
I think they could really be sisters! They have the same face mold, hair color, and eye color. The only differences are that #44 has medium skin and no freckles and #55 has light skin and freckles. But their skin color is only a tad bit off when you see them in person.
Note from me as of 2015: Their names are now Annika and Gabby, and they will be cousins. 🙂

Cecile and #46
I think they have the same face mold but I’m not sure. They both are very cute and look adorable in dark green. 😉
Note from Kathleen: *facepalm* Thank goodness I can now tell when dolls have the same face mold.

#44 and #46
Their both very cute! I think if I bought #46 she would definitely be #44’s (who I’m definitely getting) cousin on her African American side. ( I always think of #44 as half African American, one fourth Hispanic, and one fourth French Canadian.)

Cecile and #44
The only difference is skin color and slight hair color difference.
Did you like this? I can do more if anyone wants me to.
Especially the not!GOTY ones. Those are fun to see. 🙂
Note from me as of 2015: This was almost painful to read.
I really liked this post! I never thought of 55# and 44# looking alike. That was neat! 🙂
Why thank you!
Yep, they’ll be cousins in our little doll world! Actually, Annika will be the Duerens cousin (on the Dueren side)
#30 and #40 look soooo much alike!
Don’t they?
Hi Kathleen! You might know me from a little chat on Doll Diaries, remember? Well this post was hilarious! Can you tell me all your dolls names and which ones they are? (Only AG) I got Grace and MAG 61 and would like to name them! Thanks!
-Alexia Lynn Marie-
Hi Alexia! Yes, I definitely remember you! I think we might have talked once or twice before, as well.
Why thank you! It was quite fun to read again (albeit a little painful). I think I’ll do some more, but hopefully with correct grammar!
Sure! Our AG dolls are Ruth Ann “Ruthie” Smithens (Ruthie–I’m so creative, LOL), Emily Jane Bennet (Emily), and Becca Ana Rubin (Nicki, she’s now going to be Rebecca’s cousin Ana). 🙂 We also have the Asian Bitty Baby, her name is Grace Kim Lee (my sister named her). Obviously I wasn’t such a name nerd when I got them!
Oh, yay! That’s great! Do you think there are anything about them I should know about before I buy #61?
In case you’re interested, I’m going to name #61 Lily Violetta Evans, after a Harry Potter character, and when I was maybe going to get Grace (I’ve decided not to) I was planning on naming her Piper Grace.
I have a list of great names that I’ll post in the next week or two (From looking at the names you like for Grace, though, they might not quite be what you’re looking for since I’m a fan of more uncommon names). I’d definitely look at the baby name website I use, Nameberry. Also, if you want to give me an idea of the styles/sounds/syllables, etc. you want for the dolls names, I can give you a few ideas. 🙂
Name nerd, signing off.