Gabriella Andrews
You can see her here.
Birthday: January 10th
Nickname: Gabby
Likes: Gabby loves singing, acting, dancing costume design, etc. Anything to do with performing!
Pet Peeves: Bad music, rock n’ roll, blues
Favorite Colors: Purple, pink, turquoise
Favorite Food: Ice Cream Snowballs!
Favorite Book: Dancing Shoes (by Noel Streatfield)
Favorite Movie: First Position (Ballet Documentary)
Personality: Pretty excited all the time, an extravert, usually pretty nice but when she gets carried away she can be a little rude.
Time Period: current
Fun Fact: Gabby plays piano, violin, cello, and flute, and also tap dances, does jazz, lyrical, and a little ballet.
These are some of her clothes:
Lily Rose Evans
You can see her here.
Birthday: January 30th
Nickname: none
Likes: Charms works, reading, school
Pet Peeves: Quidditch
Favorite colors: red, gold
Favorite Food: beef pastries
Favorite Book: Tales of Beedle the Bard
Favorite movie: none
Personality: very nice, but gets mad kind of easily
Time Period: 1972
Fun Fact: Lily goes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
I will be making her clothes.
Stay tuned for more!

P.S. Do you like my new signature?