Our Generation has added new dolls, which of course, means a longer wishlist!
Again, my photos are not working. Go to ogdolls.com to see these.
Ee! I really like that they added what looks like a biracial doll! She is really cute, and I like that they are trying to add more diversity!
Note: As of Christmas 2014, I have Isabella Rose Smyth, a re-named Kaylee. A review will hopefully be up soon. She is adorable!
*Gasp!* She is so cute! Hehe, going into Kathleen-loves-dolls-with-red-hair monotony over here. (Does that even make any sense?)
I also really like her! When we get her (yes, when, not if) she will be renamed Primrose and become Emily’s cousin. (I know that in the book, Primrose is Emily’s aunt, but we like to think that there is also a cousin named Primrose.)
Ella Grace
We do love the name Ella Grace, but decided that she will be renamed Posy from Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfield. It is a really great book, by the way.
Also, Ayla has made it on my wish list.

Hi! I have the Ayla doll, but it is an older version. I called her Olivia instead of Ayla because it is weird having a doll that is named after you -.-
Hi Ayla!
Do you mean the one that came with a dark blue vest? Or a different one? It is always the same doll, just with a different meet.
Oh! Olivia is a pretty name for her! We already have a few dolls with names that are similar, so we are going to re-name her also.