More Be Forever Updates

So, lots of pictures are currently being leaked of the things coming out in the fall release, which will most likely be on August 28th. (The BeForever books are on Amazon for preorder, and the release date of those and Samantha are both August 28th.)


(Above) A lot of people are saying this dress is Caroline’s, but it is completely wrong for her time period. I think it is Rebecca’s, as it is spot on in style and fashion for her time period.


(Above) This is another dress, possibly for Rebecca.

Samantha Winter Coat


(Above) This is is seen on the cover of Samantha’s second book.

Meet Outfit Kit

(Above) Kit’s new meet outfit – I think the buttons and the buckle on the belt mess it up. And the whole fact that it looks modern. I really like the colors though, just not as a historical outfit. Here is a picture of her in it:

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(Above) Kit’s new birthday outfit – I really don’t like this. It looks like something Julie would wear, and it’s definitely not very historically accurate. Her birthday dress is  made out of a feed sack, and the colors are way too bright.

Julie new outfit

(Above) This is most likely Julie’s. I don’t really like the combo of the denim and pinkish reddish.

Samantha's new Christmas dress

(Above) This is a screenshot from one of the videos AG has released about Be Forever.  This is definitely Samantha’s and I’m guessing that it is her Christmas dress. The tea set and curl are definitely hers.



(Above) This is Julie’s new meet outfit.


(Above) This is Josefina’s new meet outfit.

There is a whole video that AG just released about how the historical characters got started here.

Here is the second part of the video.

And one showing Addy with her new meet dress and face here.

Here are some pics of most of the other new book covers:

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The second books for Kit and Samantha have new outfits, but the rest have one of their current ones on it, so here are Samantha and Kits’ new covers:


Check soon for more!


All pictures from Living A Doll’s Life and WolfLee2012 on Ebay.

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  • I love your blog!
    I recently started blogging! Please check out my blog:

    • kathleen Link Reply

      Your new doll is really cute!

  • I agree with you about Kit’s dress. In one of the videos AG released, they stated that they wanted the new character’s outfits to be more bright and colorful- but obviously that doesn’t mean you have to put popular, modern colors in the mix. Kinda excited for BeForever, but kinda not. Love your blog btw! 🙂

    • kathleen Link Reply

      Yeah, I totally think Kit’s dress looks modern. It is super cute though!
      What do you think about it now that it is released?
      Thanks! 🙂


  • ~Bridget Link Reply

    I like the first dress 🙂

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